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An invitiation to wholeness and growth in God.Expand your field of vision...

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An invitation to wholeness and growth in God. 

hello & welcome

Do you ever feel like you are waking up in the middle of a situation and

cannot figure out how you got there or how to go forward? Sometimes it seems like we are at the mercy of our life's circumstances without support

or a clear sense of direction. I am Dawn Richa, founder of encompass care & counseling and I have been there – seeking answers in the same narrow

worn-out places, all the while missing the bigger picture of who I was and

who God created me to be. Learning to be intentional about listening deeply within can bring new perspective to our struggles and open us to unnoticed potentials.  I am so glad you are here and would love to partner with you

to explore a broader view of possibilities for your life. 

encompass [en-kuhm-puhs] to form a circle about; to include or surround

The name encompass care & counseling serves as a reminder that we  are encircled, supported and upheld as we share in this profound inner work together.   


Dawn's approach to counseling is grounded in kindness, woven with compassion, and wrapped in grace. She has brought a sense of peace and comfort to my life by listening and providing a simple guidance that has helped shift my awareness across all of my relationships, including the relationship with myself. I cannot recommend her enough, and am thankful to have found her! -D.T.

Dawn has helped me work thorough one of the most challenging seasons of my life. I am so thankful for her calming presence and gentle guidance and support through periods of grief, anxiety, personal achievement and growth. -M.M.

A Consultation Is Free.

Do you have questions or are you ready to get started?  I'd love to hear from you and we can explore if we'd be a good match. If you're interested in talking and finding out more, please call, text or email me. I look forward to talking with you!


encompass care & counseling 


11 Robert Smalls Parkway Suite 1

Beaufort, South Carolina 29906

Welcoming new clients!

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