nice to meet you
My name is Dawn Richa, founder of encompass care & counseling and I am excited and humbled that you are here.
Coming alongside those who long to find inner quiet and listen for the voice of God has required me to go beyond the limits of how I once viewed myself and my capabilities.
I know what it is to struggle with an issue and wonder if you will ever be free from it.
I have given over large parts of my life to self-doubt and experienced the paralysis of my own endless second guessing.
Even though I have released many of the ingrained patterns that kept me at a standstill, I still have to be intentional and listen closely for the voice of truth that knows without question who I am and what I should do.

encompass care & counseling
Encompass care & counseling was built on the idea that psychological and spiritual concerns are not separate, but part of the unique nature that makes us human and make us whole. Attending to the whole person– body mind and spirit, is essential to supporting lasting change and restoring well-being.
The offerings contained in encompass care & counseling are a compilation of psychospiritual practices and tools that have been meaningful in creating lasting change for me and so many others who engage with them. My hope is to offer an invitational space for you to come to know yourself and God in a new way – listening deeply and responding with confidence to who He is calling you to be.

a little more about me
Founder of Encompass Care & Counseling and author of Encompass Guide for Small Groups
Licensed Clinical Social Worker with specialty in Whole-person Soul Care
Certified Enneagram Coach and Instructor
Workshop Presenter
